MYM.LoL is invited to the second PLAY RaidCall Cup by Fnatic. The tournament is played online and is open for everyone.
It consists of 72 teams and two playdays while the first day is for the 64 signed up teams to battle in a best-of-one format for their chance to play against the 8 invited teams and form a 16 teams bracket with them.
Selected Matches will be casted on FnaticTV on two different streams. Playday two is dedicated to the best 16 european teams to fight for the 500$ all or nothing prize plus RP rewards provided by Riot Games.
The grand finals will be played in a best-of-three as the rest is a best-of-one.
Invited teams:
Meet Your Makers
SK Gaming
Death Fire Grasp
TCM Gaming
The event will take place at the 30th and 31st May.