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MYM.LoL advances to quarter-finals



pl flag MeetYourMakers finished 2nd place in Group C with 2 wins and one defeat. pl flag MYM.LoL defeated nl flag LowLandLions and the new promising team eu flag Teamless, with only one loss from ru flag Mousesports. Here you can see the group stage of the AbsoluteProLeague tournament. The elimination stage of the tournament will be played on the dates listed below and the matches can be viewed on AbsoluteTV2 (English stream) or on MMO Champions TV (French stream).

  • Quarter-Finals: Wednesday, March 28th, 18:00 CET
  • Semi-Finals: Wednesday, March 28th, 20:30 CET
  • 3rd~4th Playoffs: Friday, March 30th, 18:00 CET
  • Finals: Friday, March 30th, 21:00 CET


Elimination Stage
Round 1Round 2Round 3Winner

eu flag AbsoluteLegends

Internationa- TBD0

eu flag Na'Vi0

Internationa- TBD0

ru flag Mousesports

Internationa- TBD0

eu flag CLG.eu0

Gold - Internationa- TBD
fr flag aAa0

Internationa- TBD0

pl flag MeetYourMakers0

Internationa- TBD0
nl flag Western Wolves

Internationa- TBD0

fr flag Sypher0


Gold 1st place - €1,000
Silver 2nd place - €500
bronze 3rd place - Riot Points & Skins

 Source: AbsoluteLegends.net


MYM.LoL attends 4PL All or Nothing



The 4PlayersLeague is organizing a tournament for 8 of Europe's best League of Legends teams. It will be called "All or Nothing" where the first placed team gets €500 and the rest gets nothing. The tournament will start at March, 31st at 13:00 CEST time. The matches will be Best-of-1, only the Grand Final will be Best-of-3. Most of the matches will be streamed by the 4PlayersLeague and also by AbsoluteTV Caster uk flag Panky.


Playoff Stage
Round 1Round 2Round 3Winner

eu flag AbsoluteLegends

13:00 CEST
eu flag AbsoluteLegends0

eu flag SK Gaming

15:00 CEST
eu flag AbsoluteLegends0

fr flag aAa0

14:00 CEST
us flag TSM0

us flag TSM

Gold - eu flag CLG.eu
eu flag CLG.eu1

13:00 CEST
eu flag CLG.eu0

eu flag FnaticRC0

16:00 CEST
eu flag CLG.eu0
pl flag MeetYourMakers0

13:00 CEST
pl flag MeetYourMakers0

eu flag Na'Vi0


Gold 1st place - eu flag CLG.eu €500


 Source: 4players.de


MYM.LoL crowned champions at Tembakan



ended with another tournament online at our theater organized by Tembakan. This time 22 players in a formation measured at the fair Pyrkonu Poznan. Quite unexpectedly, in the finals will fight the less popular Koala From China team and lost to them the map, winning 2-1. This is the first lan event victory for
pl flag MYM.LoL after joining the new organization. This tournament was supported by pl flag MYM.LoL and the player from eu flag FnaticRC, pl flag Shushei.

Playoff Stage
pl flag Clan Poland

pl flag aSpera Gamers
pl flag aSpera Gamers
pl flag MeetYourMakers
pl flag MeetYourMakers
pl flag MeetYourMakers
pl flag HCL Gaming
pl flag MeetYourMakers
pl flag ALSEN Team

pl flag Koala From China
pl flag Koala From China
pl flag Koala From China
pl flag WPE

pl flag WPE



Gold 1st place - pl flag MeetYourMakers500


 Source: Tembakan

MYM and Bigpoint give out $10,000 playmoney *update*


Your package is active, when you registered over this link:
Drakensang at myMYM.com

All other links are inactive, so that you won't receive the package.
Go and get it. It is for free and only for you!

A few weeks ago, MYM proudly announced the release of a new great game:

Drakensang Online
, an MMORPG.


Today and in partnership with Bigpoint, we are organizing an enormous giveaway. In fact, we got the huge amount of 10000$ Playmoney for People who sign up at Drankensang Online. So hurry up and grap your very own Playmoney packet for Drankensang Online now!

Don't lie to me, I already see you in front of your computer wondering what is this $10,000 playmoney giveaway.

Every single user who registers into the game
, these are the bonuses automatically awarded to the character:

• Simple Potion (gives additional experience)

• Intuition is the fruit of the 4 (+100% experience)

• 20 simple healing potions

• The Crystal of Truth 300

• 1 ruby

• 1 Onyx (increases the chances of the impact on the opponent)

• 1 sapphire (increases attack speed)

• 1 kyanite (increases the armor)

• One-handed weapons

• A ring

• 2 Spirit Potions

This awesome free stuff will obviously make your character heavily stronger than any other one in the game.I already see you becoming the greatest player of the game!

Wait no more, there is an awesome Playmoney packet waiting for everyone who sign up!


Also for you so Sign-up now and grab your free stuff!

MYM.LoL at APL Season 2



AbsoluteLegends is proud to announce the AbsoluteProLeague and the AbsoluteAmateurLeague  Season 2 which will start in April. In each League 16 teams are fighting each other in 4 different Groups. The AbsoluteProLeague will consist of 16 teams which have been invited to the League. Every month there will be a new AbsoluteProLeague (APL) where the top 4 of the previous APL will be the top seeded teams. The tournament of APL Season 2  will take place form 1st April until April 31st. The winner of each APL will receive 1,000€ while the second and third placed team will get Hardware Prizes. At the end of the Season there will be one Online Qualifier for the top 8 ranked teams, where the best 8 teams will qualify for the Grand Final which will be at a LAN event with a minimum prize money of $10,000. pl flag HCL Gaming finished 1st place on the AbsoluteAmateurLeague  and they earn the slot at AbsoluteProLeague for season 2.

 The matches will also be casted on AbsoluteTV with uk flag Panky and uk flag Deman commentating. The matches will also be recorded and posted on our YouTube Channel.


These are the current teams points of Season 1:

eu flag CLG.eu100
fr flag aAa75
eu flag AbsoluteLegends 50
nl flag Western Wolves 30
pl flag MYM 20
eu flag NaVi 20
fr flag Sypher 20
ru flag Mouz 20
eu flag WinFakt 10
fr flag Milenium 10
eu flag Teamless 10
de flag mTw 10
ru flag Moscow 5 5
eu flag FnaticRC 5
fi flag TCM-Gaming 5
nl flag LowLandLions 5



Group A 
eu flag AbsoluteLegends
fr flag Sypher
eu flag Teamless
nl flag LowLandLions
       Group B 
eu flag Counter Logic Gaming
ru flag Mousesports
de flag mTw
fi flag TCM-Gaming


Group C 
fr flag aAa
eu flag Natus Vincere
ru flag Moscow 5
eu flag WinFakt
       Group D 
nl flag Western Wolves
pl flag MeetYourMakers
fr flag Millenium
pl flag HCL Gaming


Gold 1st place - €1,000
Silver 2nd place - €500
bronze 3rd place - Riot Points & Skins.


 Source: AbsoluteLegends.net

MYM.LoL 3rd at Raidcall Cup *update*




Here are the brackets: 

eu flag CLG.eu

eu flag CLG.eu
 world Noob Heroes

eu flag CLG.eu
nl flag Western Wolves

nl flag Western Wolves
eu Myrmidons

eu flag CLG.eu
pl flagMeetYourMakers

pl flagMeetYourMakers
pt flag PTRevolution

pl flagMeetYourMakers
fr flag Millenium

de flag ESC ICY BOX
de flag ESC ICY BOX

Gold eu flagCLG.eu
eu flag FnaticRaidCall

eu flag FnaticRaidCall
es flag UNITA

eu flag FnaticRaidCall
eu flag SK Gaming

eu flag SK Gaming
eu flag Killerfish

eu flagFnaticRaidCall
es flag x6tence

es flag x6tence
dk flag Team Derpers

eu flag AbsoluteLegends
eu flag AbsoluteLegends

eu flag AbsoluteLegends
de flag Famous Five


3rd Place Decider 

MYM at Gamers-Assembly : Day -1


It is Friday the 6th. The Gamers-Assembly is due to start tomorrow and our players are safely arrived by plane and are now driving by car to France Poitiers. Germany Sebastian 'Falli' Rotterdam should be arriving by train anytime soon and I am safely arrived aswell.

Our League of Legends team will play starting from Sunday so they have a free day to hang at the LAN and see how other teams play.

Pictures will be available from Saturday to Monday as long as live results.

We will arrive at the LAN for the opening ceremony at 11:00am CET until later in the evening. See you tomorrow for the beginning of the fun!

MYM at Gamers-Assembly : Day 1


Today officially kicked off the Gamers-Assembly 2012 with a great introduction by France Desire Koussawo, Futurolan's President and two of his co-workers: a Counter-Strike player and a behind-the-scene guy.

The scene looks as follows:

They also opened the partner village where everyone is able to try new games like Shootmania and so other amazing stuff. Brands like Asus, Coolermaster or LDLC opened giant stands with thousands of things to look at, and even buy if you wish.

For the very first time in the world, Nadeo allowed us to play the very first Alpha version of their FPS Shootmania, and these are the first public images. All players will also freely receive Alpha keys.

This is the view from above the partner village:

As last year, the Medion StarCraft II Trophy is taking place at the Gamers-Assembly and is watchable, for the first round, in the scene.

The first match to be watched was France Christophe 'Eeel' Boucardey against Germany Dennis 'HasuObs' Schneider, who won two maps to none. Note that HasuObs won last year's trophy.

Tomorrow is the D-day for our players as they start playing tomorrow for the MSI/NVIDIA League of Legends Trophy.


More pictures can be found here.

MYM at Gamers-Assembly : Day 2 *pics*


Day 2 was a very busy day for our LoL players. In fact, they add to play numerous matches and most of them were best-of-3 ones.

Upper Brackets
Eighth FinalsQuarter FinalsSemi-FinalsUpper FinalUpper Winner

Lithuania AL

Lithuania AL
France Rnar
2 - 0Lithuania AL
France LDLC

France LDLC
France T. Hello
2 - 0Lithuania AL
France Millenium

France Millenium
France Grr!
1 - 2Poland MYM
Poland MYM

Poland MYM
France eXtensive!
0 - 2Belgium Sypher
Ukraine Na`Vi

Ukraine Na`Vi
France Overmind
0 - 2Belgium Sypher
Belgium Sypher

Belgium Sypher
France Réaction
2 - 1Belgium Sypher
Europe CLG.eu

Europe CLG.eu
France ArtChaos
2 - 0Europe CLG.eu
France Eclypsia

France Eclypsia

Lower Brackets
Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4
Round 5
Lower FinalLower Winner

Ukraine Na`Vi

MYM at Gamers-Assembly : Day 3 *pics*


Day 3 was a very important day as it showed the Grand Final and the Small Final played in the amphitheatre all afternoon long.

The first match saw Lithuania AbsoluteLegends beat Europe CLG.eu 2 maps to 1. Consequently, the Lithuanian guys were to play against Belgium Sypher, who had a 1 map advantage due to coming from the winner bracket.

France Zeryane, the head admin of the tournament came in the scene announcing the afternoon we were going to see. On the left side of the picture is the CLG.eu team and on the right we can see the Lithuanian guys of AL.

After the first match was played, we could finally see the Grand Final and the rise of the non-expected team Belgium Sypher.

Grand Final
Belgium Sypher2

Gold Sypher
Lithuania AL


More pictures can be found here.

MYM partners up with Team MVP


In a constant effort to improve our rosters, MeetYourMakers is glad to announce that we will go intro partnership with the very famous Korean StarCraft II team, MVP, in order to form a powerful line-up.

Consequently, all StarCraft II players will be wearing the tag of MYM.MVP when playing, to represent both teams.



Korea, South Soon Ho 'DongRaeGu' Park, is one of the most famous player of the World since he won the HOT6 GSL 2012 Season 1 , which will be not the last big Tournement he will win. This great results obviously makes him a major player of MYM.MVP.

Korea, South Jung 'Genius' Min Soo is another keyplayer for this team. After a great performance he made it to the HOT6 GSL 2012 Season 1 Final too and reached the 2nd Place after an epic match versus his teammate DongRaeGu.

Germany Daniel 'XlorD' Spenst our German Warcraft 3 Legend, will be the only non-Korean player in the team. Daniel showed some good results in the past months for example when he qualified for IEM Brazil.

These 3 Players are not the only ones who playing for MYM.MVP as we will have a quite big Roster with 13 Players. There are many great talents waiting for their big chance so stay tuned.

The team will make their first offline appearance under the new tag of MYM.MVP at the DreamHack Eizo Open on April 21st and 22nd, 2012.

MYM.MVP's roster looks as follows:

Germany Daniel 'XlorD' Spenst
Korea, South Joong Hyuk 'Dream' Cho
Korea, South Soo Ho 'DongRaeGu' Park
Korea, South Kyung Deok 'Finale' Kim
Korea, South Min Soo  'Genius' Jeong
Korea, South Kyu Seok 'Keen' Han
Korea, South Kang Bum 'KeePing' Lee
Korea, South Hyun Seung 'Monster' Tak
Korea, South Do Joon 'Noblesse' Chae
Korea, South Seung-Chul 'sC' Kim
Korea, South Tae Hoon 'Sniper' Kwon
Korea, South Won Hyung 'Tails' Kim
Korea, South Seo Sung 'Vampire' Min

Successful weekend for MYM.MVP


On Friday it was at first a brief affair, as Korea, SouthZerg MYM.MVP DongRaeGu  was almost eliminated as the seventh, but could finally save himself as sixth-placed into the playoffs. In the playoffs nothing was to remember from his difficult starting in the preliminary round. So he was able to occupy quickly a dominant role.

In the playoffs he showed an awesome performance against Korea, SouthProtoss SK|MC and Korea, SouthTerran coL|GanZi and even beat Korea, SouthTerran MarineKing in the final with a 4-3 score in an amazing Bo7. Below we have summarized the grid of the playoffs for you.

Playoff Stage
Round 1Round 2Round 3Winner

Korea, SouthTerran MarineKing

3 - 1Korea, SouthTerran MarineKing

Korea, SouthZerg viOLet

1 - 3Korea, SouthTerran Heart

Korea, SouthTerran Heart

3 - 4
Korea, South Zerg DRG

Korea, SouthProtoss MC

0 - 3Korea, SouthZerg DRG

Korea, SouthZerg DRG

3 - 0Korea, SouthZerg DRG

Korea, SouthTerran GanZi


A glad Korea, SouthZerg MYM.MVP.DongRaeGu after winning $5,000 for his 1st place.


Last but not least, we found a very funny interview with our player Korea, South DongRaeGu after winning the tournament. The interview was held by Korea, South viOLet who he was able to translate.



About 6,000 kilometres to the East, the Dreamhack EIZO Open took place in Stockholm, Sweden. Two players of our team MYM.MVP tried their luck here and succeeded partially. Again we summarized the playoff grid up from round 2 (RO8).


Playoff Stage
Round 1Round 2Round 3Winner

SwedenTerran SjoW

0 - 2Korea, SouthTerran Polt

Korea, SouthTerran Polt

2 - 0Korea, SouthTerran Polt

Korea, SouthProtoss Genius

1 - 2NetherlandsZerg ret

NetherlandsZerg ret

1 - 3
SwedenTerran ThorZaIN
Korea, SouthZerg Monster

MYM at Fnatic PLAY RaidCall LoL Cup



MYM.LoL is invited to the second PLAY RaidCall Cup by Fnatic. The tournament is played online and is open for everyone.

It consists of 72 teams and two playdays while the first day is for the 64 signed up teams to battle in a best-of-one format for their chance to play against the 8 invited teams and form a 16 teams bracket with them.

Selected Matches will be casted on FnaticTV on two different streams. Playday two is dedicated to the best 16 european teams to fight for the 500$ all or nothing prize plus RP rewards provided by Riot Games.

The grand finals will be played in a best-of-three as the rest is a best-of-one.


Invited teams:

Poland Meet Your Makers

Europe FnaticRaidCall

Europe SK Gaming

Europe Millenium

Europe Death Fire Grasp

Finland TCM Gaming

Germany n!faculty

Poland exHCL


The event will take place at the 30th and 31st May.





Source: Fnatic.com



MYM.MVP DongRaeGu wins MLG Anaheim


As we announced, the MYM.MVP formation participated in the MLG Spring Championship in Anaheim, California this weekend. Our Zerg Korea, SouthZerg Park "DongRaeGu" Soo Ho managed to achieve the first place by defeating Korea, SouthProtoss Yang 'Alicia' Joon Sik. Soo ho could prevail against the european participants as well as his fellow countrymen. During the whole tournament he lost only one game against the German Toss GermanyProtoss Giacomo 'Socke' Thüs giving him the amazing balance of 7 of 8 Game wins and 16 of 20 Map Wins.


   DongRaeGu    DongRaeGu



MYM.MVP Korea, SouthTerran Cho "Dream" Joong Hyuk was eliminated in Group Stage.            Korea, SouthZerg Tak 'Monster' was able to win against the 'bosstoss'    Korea, SouthProtoss Jang 'MC' Min Chul in the looser Bracket. MC hit the 13th place.

Best european Player was neitherFranceZerg Ilyes "Stephano" Satouri nor                 SwedenTerran Marcus "ThorZaIN" Eklöf but former MYM Player SwedenProtoss Kim "SaSe" Hammar achieving the 6th place.


MLG Spring Championship



Final Standings:

1st    Gold     Korea, South DongRaeGu 25.000 $
2nd    Silver  Korea, South  Alicia15.000 $
3rd     BronzeKorea, South  MarineKing9.000 $
4thSweden SaSe5.500 $
5thKorea, South  PuMa3.500 $
6thFrance Stephano3.500 $
7thKorea, South  Polt2.250 $
8thKorea, South  Inori2.250 $
9thKorea, South  Leenock1.500 $
10thKorea, South  Oz1.500 $
11thKorea, South  Monster1.500 $
12thKorea, South  Symbol1.500 $
13thKorea, South  MC1.000 $
14thKorea, South  aLive1.000 $
15thKorea, South  GanZi1.000 $
16thNetherlands Grubby1.000 $




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